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Increased testing needed

On numerous days since mid-June, official figures for coronavirus-related passing in the nation have been well over 100. As per public statements given by the National Command and Operation Center, 111 individuals lost their lives to Covid-19 on June 16 and 136 on June 17. 
Increased testing needed

Increased testing needed
Simply a week ago, the Covid-19 authority loss of life in a solitary day was 153 — the most noteworthy in 24 hours since the beginning of the episode in Pakistan toward the end of February. As these figures continue to climb, the daily all-out tests towards the end of June remain at a normal 28,500, a number far lower than the 100,000 daily testing achievements the legislature has determined for July. 

It is clear that, much like the worldwide pattern in nations where Covid-19 cases have taken off, Pakistan's day by day cases and passings are developing. The current situation was anticipated by medicinal services experts, who had cautioned of an ascent in coronavirus cases if limitations were lifted toward the end of May. 

Despite the fact that the specialists may contend that cases and passings here are despite everything lower than in a considerable lot of the most exceedingly terrible hit nations —, for example, the UK where more than 1,000 coronavirus fatalities have been accounted for in a solitary day at the pinnacle of the disease — actually Pakistan is as yet longer than a month from what specialists and research organizations have assessed to be the 'top stage'.
As we approach that feared period, specialists must concentrate their assets on two key regions: expanded testing limits and information driven choices. Testing must be increased, and quick, so as to acquire a sensible image of the spread of Covid-19. While 100,000 daily tests are insufficient for a populace of 200m, right now we are exceptionally a long way from even that target. 

Expanded testing and shrewd information gathering are the main instruments the legislature needs to authorize the keen lockdowns it sees as its relief procedure. These figures are the guide; without precise information, any procedure will be imperfect.
Increased testing needed
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